Conformity is for the Weak

Conformity is for the Weak

I sat in a Mexican restaurant with my friend, late at night, drinking a beer. I told him about an idea I had and he remarked, “You take everything that everyone thinks is normal and turn it on it’s head. You really are a nonconformist.” I wear it...
7 Reasons Toastmasters is Good for You.

7 Reasons Toastmasters is Good for You.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m a member of Toastmasters International. You may be wondering why. Let me elucidate (I just used a word of the day on you). Members of Toastmasters have a built-in group of friends that they can rely on. If you’re in a...
Why I’m No Longer a Star Wars Fan and Why I Want to Be

Why I’m No Longer a Star Wars Fan and Why I Want to Be

As you may have gathered from my earlier post about Star Wars AND Star Trek, I like Star Wars. In fact, there was a point in my life that I loved Star Wars and I considered myself a Star Wars Fan. But, I don’t love it anymore and I don’t consider myself a...
Making Believable Characters

Making Believable Characters

Making characters believable is hard. One technique to make characters believable is to give them flaws. Often, writers will use techniques like introducing moral, ethical or emotional flaws into their characters. But, there are other ways to make flawed characters....
Being An Author and a Gamer

Being An Author and a Gamer

Yeah, I play games. All kinds of games. PC RPGs, MMOs, table-top RPGs, the (very) occasional casual game, even bored games (yeah, I spelled it that way on purpose). I’ve been playing games all of my life. And, for much of my life, being a gamer came with a side...
Editing is Murder

Editing is Murder

No, seriously it is. I’m not complaining about the process, just making an observation. Some of you know, I’m in the throws of editing my book, The Immense Center at the moment. The process requires me to Kill my Darlings. Yeah, you read that right, I have...