The Immense Center

I’m so excited. The Discarded Voice Press has the book set up on Amazon for pre-order.

The book will go on sale Dec 20 and ship to pre-order customers first.

It’s been a grueling few months taking care of the multiple edits and proofreading, the typesetting and cover design, the marketing plan, the social network plan, getting endorsements and somehow also finding time for my day job and my family. But, we are almost there. The light at the end of the tunnel seems real.

The best part? Seems like early readers are pleased with the book. Here are just a few kind words from readers:

This book reads like the best possible outcome of throwing the combined genius of Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut and your favorite Particle Physicist into a blender and making a smoothie from them. Michael Allen Williamson effortlessly balances Sci Fi, Comedy, Gravity and whimsy in a way that will likely make you shout “thank God there are still writers left in the world!”

—Emmanuel Wolfe, Author of “Deliver Like a Beast, the art and science of charismatic presentation” Host of The Steep Side of the Mountain” Podcast


The Immense Center is a fascinating and highly original novel that hooks the reader from the first page. Read it – you’ll be intrigued!

—Maggie James, author of psychological suspense novels


The Immense Center drew me in, I couldn’t resist the pull to keep reading!

—Shari Hausbeck


The Immense Center is a thought-provoking, provocative reflection of the choices mankind has made; and the consequences of those decisions on our environment, world, and current dimension. In a hopeful, prospective manner Michael has expertly tailored for the reader a personal tapestry of positive decisions that creates a future where humankind will evolve to more strength and inner peace in other dimensions where choices translate into the rise in evolution of thoughts, beliefs and actions.

—Suzanne DeaBueno


You look at what is going on the world today and wonder, is everything coming to an end? Are these the last days? As a Christian, I think about this everytime I hear a news report. The Immense Center is a fascinating look at possibilities. It will draw you in from page one and keep you engaged until the conclusion. It’s a work of fiction with an important takeaway for us all: Live each moment to the fullest!

—Ann Musico


I loved the creative imagery from multiple worlds and dimensions. As well as the thought-provoking and difficult journey the main character endured. It evoked a myriad of emotions from laughter to tears and everything in between and totally challenged my understanding of the universe.

—Karen W.


A unique rendering of an extraordinary tale of time-traveling and dimension-jumping that leads to self-discovery; this story contains mindboggling elements of science, religion, and the human condition.

—Bea C.


Pre-order the Book Now

I have a special offer for my readers, supporters and anyone that pre-orders the book. If you are interested in learning about this special offer, please contact me.