A few months ago, I was privileged to be a guest on Kingsley Grant’s podcast, The Mid-Life Launch. Since then, I’ve become a fan of the show and consider Kingsley Grant to be a friend. Kingsley is a speaker, a coach and an author and is one of those people that impresses and inspires me. In the meantime, let’s take a little time to learn more about Kingsley and his mission in life.
When & how did you get started with your ScoreBig Podcast (now called The Mid-Life Launch)?
I got started with my ScoreBig Podcast towards the end of 2014. That’s when the idea came to me. I launched during the first part of this year, 20015. It came as a culmination of my previous podcasts – Choose Your Best Life Now and A Happier Living. The message was similar all the way through. I was okay with pivoting because we are always learning new things and tweaking along the way. As one that is in this Midlife stage of life, I decided to do a show that I would like to listen to. Hence the Midlife Launch.
Share with me more about your book.
My book has come as a result of this message of launching a vocation during the Midlife stage of life. I find that this is the time of life when people have gained enough wisdom that ought not to be wasted. It is the opportunity stage of life. With that in mind, I outlined ten chapters of why and how to do this launch. The key idea, is to do this pivot or transition, without giving up what’s most important to you. Some people want to go after their dream life but hesitate thinking that they would have to start over. I’m simply making the case that i) you don’t have to start over and ii) you want to be able to look back and not regret having not tried.
What is your primary motivation for coaching?
My primary motivation for coaching is to help that Midlife Professional live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. I want them to maximize their potential, live out their dream and make a difference in this world. I want to change the world one dream at a time.
How do you balance all of the activities you are engaged in along with your empty-nesting situation?
It surely isn’t easy. Like most people I have responsibilities that places certain demands on me. I have to make the effort everyday and I mean everyday, to focus on priorities. The loving and supporting relationships I have with my wife and children, have made it a lot easier. The almost empty-nest situation is being filled with knowing that I have a higher calling to give people hope.
I want to know what inspires you.
What inspires me stems from my WHY of life. I alluded to that above – helping people find hope. All that I do has that as the common theme. When people are moved to live their best life, it fires me up. It’s music to my ears. Secondly, having had to undergo a quadruple bypass heart surgery, I know that I’ve been given a new lease on life to inspire people to find hope. I see myself as the Hope Dispenser.
What do you know now or that you have learned recently that you wish you knew earlier in life?
I have learned how to launch a business. I wish I knew more about that several years ago. I’ve learned the power of collaboration – networking and having a coach or mentor. I’ve learned how to re-frame stories to make them work for me rather than against me. I’ve learned how to reconcile with my past and events that have shaped my life. These are just a few of the things, I wished I knew earlier. However, I couldn’t have known them then because these have come with experience. This is why I’m so adamant about people not wasting their experience at this stage of life.
What advice would you give to fans of a fiction author?
Even though I’m not much of a fiction reader, I would say find the lessons that are threaded within a fiction story and if it resonates with you, implement the lessons; learn from them. I would also say, immerse yourself in the story so that your right brain can be stimulated; exercised.
Are you working on anything that you would love the world to know about?
Yes. I’m working on a book that will be the blue-print for influential and “affluential” living. It is the ScoreBig blueprint. This book will embody the 5 Secret Habits Of Highly Influential People. I’m still fleshing it out and I hope to have it released in the early part of 2016.
How would you like my readers to connect with you online?
The best way to connect with me is to visit my website at www.kingsleygrant.com and to follow me on Twitter. They can also connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/kingsleygrant.
I currently have a preview of his upcoming book and will read it soon. Of course, I’ll give you all the details when I’m done.
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